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Pinterest Marketing

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How to Understand Your Pinterest Analytics

This is how to compare and contrast your Pinterest analytics. Learning how to do this is the key to understanding if your Pinterest marketing is actually working.

June 15, 2023

white and red card on white computer keyboard

Why I Track My Pinterest Analytics OFF Pinterest

Learn from my mistakes! Here’s 3 reasons why you should track your metrics on something like My Pinterest Planner, and what exactly you should track. 

June 10, 2023

black and silver laptop computer

The 4 Most Important Metrics You Should Be Tracking on Pinterest

As a Pinterest manager, these are the analytics I focus on when measuring for growth. Let’s dive in to exactly what they are and then I will teach you how to strategically analyze them. 

June 9, 2023

red tulip flower in yellow tulip field

4 Ways to Stand Out on Pinterest

I go over my methods for ensuring your Pinterest pins are getting seen by the right people using today’s algorithm and best practices. Here’s my top tips for utilizing Pinterest to gain traffic and sales this year.

March 25, 2023

open signage on door

5 Things You Need to Get Your Brick and Mortar Business on Pinterest

If reaching beyond Facebook is your marketing vision for this year, and you’re leaning toward Pinterest marketing, you’re going to want to consider these things.

February 9, 2023

How to use Pinterest to promote your business?

I explain exactly how Pinterest marketing works for digital entrepreneurs.

December 15, 2022

Wish you had little Pinterest tips to boost your traffic?

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