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a pink pen sitting on top of a wooden table

Hashtags on Pinterest, Yay or Nay?

Using hashtags in your Pinterest pin titles or pin descriptions is a heated topic among social media marketers. So I reached out to Pinterest themselves and asked if we should use hashtags on Pinterest for marketing. This is their response, plus some insights to what I found hashtags are doing to your website traffic coming from Pinterest. This post exposes exactly what Pinterest says about using Hashtags on your Pinterest account.

April 26, 2024

black ipad on brown wooden table

How Many Pins Should You Post A Day On Pinterest (2024)

Let’s clear the air about exactly how many pins you should post to Pinterest each day.

November 30, 2023

person holding red and beige twin bell analog alarm clock

The Best Time To schedule Pinterest Pins

In this article, I explain when you should post your pins to Pinterest (it’s not what you think) and how the algorithm pushes your content in front of Pinners.

October 26, 2023

red tulip flower in yellow tulip field

4 Ways to Stand Out on Pinterest

I go over my methods for ensuring your Pinterest pins are getting seen by the right people using today’s algorithm and best practices. Here’s my top tips for utilizing Pinterest to gain traffic and sales this year.

March 25, 2023

How to use Pinterest to promote your business?

I explain exactly how Pinterest marketing works for digital entrepreneurs.

December 15, 2022

depth of field photography of man playing chess

Tips for Creating A Basic Pinterest Marketing Plan

If you’re new to Pinterest, you may have heard you need a specific marketing strategy to be successful at Pinterest marketing. While that has some weight to it, a lot of people make it more complicated than it needs to be when they are first starting out. I recently created a YouTube video explaining the […]

November 12, 2022

Wish you had little Pinterest tips to boost your traffic?

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