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How to use Tailwind Ghost Writer

Tailwind just got a major upgrade! If you suffer from writers block trying to create pin descriptions, you’re going to love this new Tailwind feature that generates the descriptions for you! Want to try it out for yourself? Grab this link and sign up for Tailwind for free! (This is an affiliate link, but I […]

December 12, 2022

white ceramic mug with coffee on top of a planner

5 Tailwind Features That Make It The Best Pinterest Scheduler 

I get asked all the time which scheduler I use for Pinterest, and the answer has never changed. Hands down, without a doubt, no question about it, my favorite scheduling tool is Tailwind. Aside from your standard scheduling features, Tailwind has really made Pinterest scheduling easy peasy with some features you may not realize you […]

September 6, 2022

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