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Pinterest Marketing

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The Best Social Media Marketing Alternative

What if I told you there’s a way to reach your target audience without the constant stress and pressure of social media? This is the social media marketing alternative you shouldn’t ignore.

April 3, 2023

How to use Pinterest to promote your business?

I explain exactly how Pinterest marketing works for digital entrepreneurs.

December 15, 2022

depth of field photography of man playing chess

Tips for Creating A Basic Pinterest Marketing Plan

If you’re new to Pinterest, you may have heard you need a specific marketing strategy to be successful at Pinterest marketing. While that has some weight to it, a lot of people make it more complicated than it needs to be when they are first starting out. I recently created a YouTube video explaining the […]

November 12, 2022

5 Pin Design Tips for Creating Eye Catching Pinterest Pins

Creating pin images can be seriously time consuming if you like to fiddle around with Canva like I do. On a visual platform like Pinterest, creating the perfect pins can bring some serious pressure. After all, you have to figure out a way to grab people’s attention and make them stop scrolling before they will […]

May 3, 2022

How Long Does Pinterest Marketing Take?

The Timeline for Getting Pinterest Traffic, Explained Have you ever been told “Have patience, Pinterest is a long term strategy”? That’s pretty broad and doesn’t explain anything, does it? As if Pinterest isn’t confusing enough! If you’re considering Pinterest for your business, it’s good to know what to expect before you dive in. Let’s unpack […]

December 18, 2021

Wish you had little Pinterest tips to boost your traffic?

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