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Pinterest Marketing

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5 Things You Need to Get Your Brick and Mortar Business on Pinterest

If reaching beyond Facebook is your marketing vision for this year, and you’re leaning toward Pinterest marketing, you’re going to want to consider these things.

February 9, 2023

Questions you should ask before hiring a Pinterest manager

If you’re ready to hire a Pinterest manager, even for something as small as an Audit or Strategy Session, here’s some questions you can use to make sure you’re hiring the right person.

December 13, 2022

Increase sales

How do I increase sales on Pinterest?

Are you wondering how to drive Pinterest traffic to your ecommerce shop? Here I walk you through how to target the problem and increase those sales!

December 8, 2022

The Pinterest Marketing Update You Need to Know About (Winter 2022)

Pinterest has made some crazy adjustments to their Creator Rewards Program AND the functionality of Idea Pins. Even if you don’t partake in either of these two features, be sure to watch this because it will likely affect your Pinterest marketing strategy in the future. Read the Transcript Hello, I’m Sarah Potter. I am the […]

December 6, 2022

Wish you had little Pinterest tips to boost your traffic?

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